Autonómna osteopatická redukčná technika – Časť 1

Autonómna osteopatická redukčná technika – Časť 1



Termín kurzu/Course date:

29.11.- 1.12. 2024

Organizátor a miesto kurzu/Organizer and venue:

FYZIO KLINIK, Plynárenská 7/C, BBC 5, Bratislava

Cena kurzu/ Course price:

490 €



Course will be held in English with a translation to Slovak language.


Raphael VAN ASSCHE je osteopat a fyzioterapeut. Narodil sa v Belgicku, od roku 1991 žije a pracuje vo Viedni.  

  • školenie v osteopatii vo Francúzsku
  • školenie v akupunktúre a TČM v Číne
  • školenie v aplikovanej kineziológii v USA
  • vyvinul „PHYSIOENERGETIK® – „Holistická kineziológia“
  • spoluzakladateľ Viedenskej školy osteopatie
  • publikácia: „The new Strain – Counterstrain“
  • medzinárodne aktívny ako pedagóg a rečník

Autonomous Osteopathic Repositioning Techniques AORT

AORT znamená autonómna osteopatická redukčná technika. 

Je to jedna z najúčinnejších a najúspešnejších techník pre chrbticu a končatiny. Dá sa rýchlo a ľahko naučiť a bezpečne používať  – dokonca aj v citlivých oblastiach, ako je krčná chrbtica. Vyvinul ju Raphael VAN ASSCHE a je založená na koncepte „Counterstrain“ od Dr. Lawrenca H. JONESA. Presné a jemné korekcie sa vykonávajú preprogramovaním mechanoreceptorov vo svaloch a fasciách čím sa dosahuje trvalý úspech zmenou nesprávnych informácií.

AORT možno použiť na: celú chrbticu, kĺby, chronické a akútne bolestivé stavy

Špeciálna anatómia a biomechanika sú podrobne prebraté na seminári, odporúčané sú základné anatomické znalosti. Kurz sa skladá z dvoch častí. Odporúčame zachovať poradie kurzov, nie je to však záväzné. 

AORT Časť 1: Krčná chrbtica, hrudná a drieková chrbtica (extenzia), SI kĺb, 1. rebro, bedrový kĺb, kolenný kĺb

AORT Časť 2: Horná končatina, chodidlo, hrudná chrbtica + drieková chrbtica (flexia), krížová kosť, rebrá, temporomandibulárny kĺb

Kurz bude prebiehať v anglickom jazyku s prekladom do slovenčiny.

Kurz je určený pre lekárov, fyzioterapeutov, masérov, pôrodné asistentky a ďalších zdravotníckych pracovníkov.

Časový harmonogram AORT – časť 1:


9:45 Prezentácia účastníkov

10:00 – 13:00
I Basic Ideas 

  1. History
  2. Segmental facilitation Irvin Korr Ph.D
  3. Mechanoreceptors
  4. Skeletal Muscle fiber
  5. Joint stability

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

  1. Trigger points and tender points
  2. Myofascial functional chains
  3. Fascia: What we Need to Know
  4. The Hidden Cause of Pain, Effects of AORT
  5. Research

13:00 – 15:00  Lunch

15:00 – 18:00
II Cervical Spine 

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. safety tests
  4. hypermobility of the cervical spine 
  5. muscular dysfunctions C1,C2 (m. rectus capitis posterior major, m. rectus capitis posterior minor, m. obliquus capitis superior, m. rectus capitis lateralis, m. rectus capitis anterior, pharyngeal plexus
  6. dysfunctions C3-C7 (m. longus colli (anterius), m. longus capitis ventral, scalenus musculature, m. rotator brevis, m. rotator longus, m. multifidus, m. interspinalis, m. intertransversii, m. splenius cervicis, m. splenius capitis, m. semispinalis capitis)
  7. Indications: Forward head posture (FHP), stiff neck, pain in arm, shoulders, numbness and weakness, pain in the head, jaw, breathing difficulties

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

III The first rib

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. muscular dysfunctions of the scalene musculature
  4. Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, shoulder-arm syndrome, asthma, „pseudo“ cardiac symptoms

9:00 – 13:00
IV Thoracic Spine 

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. muscular dysfunctions (m. erector spinae, m. rotator brevis, m. rotator longus, m. multifidus, m. interspinalis)
  4. Symptoms: Thoracic Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Stiffness in the Mid-Back Area, pain or tingling that wraps around the back, restricting range of motion

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

V Lumbar Spine

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. muscular dysfunctions (m. erector spinae, m. rotator brevis, m. rotator longus, m. multifidus, m. quadratus lumborum, m. interspinalis
  4. Indications: disc disease, sciatica, coccydynia, spondylosis, muscle strain, low back pain, restricting range of motion

13:00 – 15:00  Lunch

15:00 – 18:00 VI Pelvic Region

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. ligament dysfunctions (Sacrotuberous ligament, Ilio-lumbar ligament, Sacroiliac ligament)

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

  1. muscular dysfunctions (m. transversus abdominis, m. piriformis, m.. iliopsoas)
  2. joint dysfunctions (Ilium anterior, Ilium posterior)
  3. Indications: Low back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction, sciatica, pelvic instability


9:00 – 13:00

VII The Coxofemoral joint

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. bursa dysfunctions (Bursa trochanterica) 
  4. muscular dysfunctions (m. quadratus femoris, m. pectineus, m. adductor longus et brevis, m. tensor fasciae latae)
  5. Indication: pain in the hip joint, snapping hip, bursitis, adductor tendinosis, piriformis syndrome, pain inguinal ligament, referred pain to the thigh and knee, limping, reduced range of motion, stiffness.

Coffee Break 15 minutes

VII The Knee joint

  1. anatomical landmark
  2. clinical examinations 
  3. joint dysfunctions (the patellofemoral joint – articulatio femoropatellaris) 
  4. ligament dysfunctions (patellar tendon, the cruciate ligaments -ligamenta cruciata) 
  5. menisci 
  6. Indications: Inability to fully straighten the knee, sprains, strains, lateral hypercompression syndrome, ACL injury, meniscus injury, tendinitis pes anserine, iliotial band friction, swelling and stiffness

Autonomous Osteopathic Repositioning Technique (AORT)

Is one of the most effective and successful techniques for the spine and extremities.

It is quick and easy to learn and safe to use – even in sensitive areas such as the cervical spine. It was developed by Raphael VAN ASSCHE and is based on Dr JONES‘ „Counterstrain“ concept.

The precise, gentle corrections are made via the reprogramming of mechanoreceptors in muscles and fascia and achieve lasting success by changing the incorrect information.

AORT can be used for: the entire spine, joints, chronic and acute pain conditions

The special anatomy and biomechanics are covered in detail in the seminar, basic knowledge recommended.

AORT Part 1: Cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine (extension), SI joint, 1st rib, hip, knee joint

AORT Part 2: Upper extremity, foot, thoracic spine + lumbar spine (flexion), sacrum, ribs, temporomandibular joint

This course is presented by:

Raphael VAN ASSCHE, MSc, D.O.

  • Osteopath and physiotherapist
  •   Born in Belgium, lives and works in Vienna since 1991
  •   Training in osteopathy in France
  •   Training in acupuncture and TCM in China
  •   Training in applied kinesiology in the USA
  •   Developed „PHYSIOENERGETIK® – “Holistic Kinesiology“
  •   Co-founder of the „Vienna School of Osteopathy“
  •   Publication: „The new Strain-Counterstrain“
  •   Internationally active as a teacher and speaker

The course is intended for doctors, physiotherapists, masseurs, midwives and other health professionals.

Time schedule:


9:45 Welcoming

10:00 – 13:00
I Basic Ideas 

  1. History
  2. Segmental facilitation Irvin Korr Ph.D
  3. Mechanoreceptors
  4. Skeletal Muscle fiber
  5. Joint stability

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

  1. Trigger points and tender points
  2. Myofascial functional chains
  3. Fascia: What we Need to Know
  4. The Hidden Cause of Pain, Effects of AORT
  5. Research

13:00 – 15:00  Lunch

15:00 – 18:00
II Cervical Spine 

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. safety tests
  4. hypermobility of the cervical spine 
  5. muscular dysfunctions C1,C2 (m. rectus capitis posterior major, m. rectus capitis posterior minor, m. obliquus capitis superior, m. rectus capitis lateralis, m. rectus capitis anterior, pharyngeal plexus
  6. dysfunctions C3-C7 (m. longus colli (anterius), m. longus capitis ventral, scalenus musculature, m. rotator brevis, m. rotator longus, m. multifidus, m. interspinalis, m. intertransversii, m. splenius cervicis, m. splenius capitis, m. semispinalis capitis)
  7. Indications: Forward head posture (FHP), stiff neck, pain in arm, shoulders, numbness and weakness, pain in the head, jaw, breathing difficulties

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

III The first rib

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. muscular dysfunctions of the scalene musculature
  4. Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, shoulder-arm syndrome, asthma, „pseudo“ cardiac symptoms

9:00 – 13:00
IV Thoracic Spine 

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. muscular dysfunctions (m. erector spinae, m. rotator brevis, m. rotator longus, m. multifidus, m. interspinalis)
  4. Symptoms: Thoracic Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Stiffness in the Mid-Back Area, pain or tingling that wraps around the back, restricting range of motion

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

V Lumbar Spine

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. muscular dysfunctions (m. erector spinae, m. rotator brevis, m. rotator longus, m. multifidus, m. quadratus lumborum, m. interspinalis
  4. Indications: disc disease, sciatica, coccydynia, spondylosis, muscle strain, low back pain, restricting range of motion

13:00 – 15:00  Lunch

15:00 – 18:00 VI Pelvic Region

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. ligament dysfunctions (Sacrotuberous ligament, Ilio-lumbar ligament, Sacroiliac ligament)

Coffee Break 15 minutes 

  1. muscular dysfunctions (m. transversus abdominis, m. piriformis, m.. iliopsoas)
  2. joint dysfunctions (Ilium anterior, Ilium posterior)
  3. Indications: Low back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction, sciatica, pelvic instability


9:00 – 13:00

VII The Coxofemoral joint

  1. anatomical landmarks
  2. clinical examinations
  3. bursa dysfunctions (Bursa trochanterica) 
  4. muscular dysfunctions (m. quadratus femoris, m. pectineus, m. adductor longus et brevis, m. tensor fasciae latae)
  5. Indication: pain in the hip joint, snapping hip, bursitis, adductor tendinosis, piriformis syndrome, pain inguinal ligament, referred pain to the thigh and knee, limping, reduced range of motion, stiffness.

Coffee Break 15 minutes

VII The Knee joint

  1. anatomical landmark
  2. clinical examinations 
  3. joint dysfunctions (the patellofemoral joint – articulatio femoropatellaris) 
  4. ligament dysfunctions (patellar tendon, the cruciate ligaments -ligamenta cruciata) 
  5. menisci 
  6. Indications: Inability to fully straighten the knee, sprains, strains, lateral hypercompression syndrome, ACL injury, meniscus injury, tendinitis pes anserine, iliotial band friction, swelling and stiffness

Are you interested?

Register for the course by filling out the contact form below and we will contact you with more information.

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