Termín kurzu/Course date:
Organizátor a miesto kurzu/Organizer and venue:
FYZIO KLINIK, Plynárenská 7/C, BBC 5, Bratislava
Cena kurzu/ Course price:
490 €
Course will be held in English with a translation to Slovak language.
Raphael VAN ASSCHE, MSc, D.O.
Raphael VAN ASSCHE je osteopat a fyzioterapeut. Narodil sa v Belgicku, od roku 1991 žije a pracuje vo Viedni.
- školenie v osteopatii vo Francúzsku
- školenie v akupunktúre a TČM v Číne
- školenie v aplikovanej kineziológii v USA
- vyvinul „PHYSIOENERGETIK® – „Holistická kineziológia“
- spoluzakladateľ Viedenskej školy osteopatie
- publikácia: „The new Strain – Counterstrain“
- medzinárodne aktívny ako pedagóg a rečník
Časový harmonogram AORT – časť 1:
9:45 Prezentácia účastníkov
10:00 – 13:00
I Introduction
- Summary of AORT
- Segmental facilitation Irvin Korr Ph.D
- Establishing priorities
- Mechanoreceptors
- Skeletal Muscle fibers
- Joint stability
- Trigger points and tender points
- Treatment procedure
Coffee Break 15 minutes
II Shoulder Girdle
- sternoclavicular joint
- acromioclavicular joint
- scapula-thorax
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:00
- subacromial joint
- glenohumeral joint
- Indications: pains in shoulder and neck, frozen shoulder pain, a clicking, popping, or grinding sensation when you move your arm, muscle stiffness and weakness, limited range of motion, inability
III Elbow Joint
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- muscular dysfunctions (Forearm muscles – m. extensor carpi radialis longus, m.extensor carpi radialis brevis, m. flexor carpi radialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris
- ligamentous dysfunctions (ligamentum anulare radii)
- Indications: pain, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, weak grip
Coffee Break 15 minutes
IV Wrists
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations (retinaculum flexorum)
- muscular dysfunctions (m. abductor pollicis longus, m. extensor pollicis brevis, m.flexor pollicis longus)
- Indications: carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist pain; swelling, decrease in wrist strength, numbness or tingling
9:00 – 13:00
V Foot
- Art. talocruralis (Upper ankle joint)
- Art. talotarsalis (Lower ankle joint)
- Art. tarsi transversa (Chopart)
- Art. tarsometatarsales (Lisfranc)
- Art. intermetatarsales
- Art. metatarsophalangeales
- Art. interphalangeales pedis
- Indications: Plantar fasciitis, Calcaneal spur, Metatarsalgia, Morton’s neuroma, Hallux valgus, Claw or hammer toes, Achilles tendon, Hallux rigidus, Hallux limitus, Sinus-tarsi-Syndrome
Coffee Break 15 minutes
VI The thoracic spine / flexion dysfunctions
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- dysfunctions in flexion (reflex points, sternum, rectus abdominis muscle)
- Indications: Restricting range of motion, Thoracic Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Stiffness in the Mid-Back Area, pain or tingling that wraps around the back, abdominal pain
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:00
VII Ribs
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations (inhalation dysfunction, expiratory dysfunction, intercostal muscles)
- Indications: Pain in the back, pain that can radiate to the front, along the rib and sometimes into the shoulder
Coffee Break 15 minutes
VIII Lumbar spine / flexion dysfunction
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- dysfunctions in flexion (pelvic reflex points)
- Indications: Restricting range of motion, low back pain, disc disease, sciatica, muscle strain
9:00 – 13:00
IX Os sacrum
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- muscular dysfunctions (piriformis muscle
- ligamentous dysfunctions (ligg. sacroiliaca anteriora, posterior sacroiliac ligament)
- Indications: pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, pelvis/buttock pain, hip/groin pain, feeling of leg instability
Coffee Break 15 minutes
X Temporomandibular joint
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- muscular dysfunctions (m. masseter, m. temporalis, pterygoid muscle)
- Indications: Pain in the chewing muscles and/or jaw joint, jaw stiffness, pain in face or neck, limited movement or locking of the jaw, painful clicking, popping, or grating in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, or dizziness
Autonomous Osteopathic Repositioning Technique (AORT)
Is one of the most effective and successful techniques for the spine and extremities.
It is quick and easy to learn and safe to use – even in sensitive areas such as the cervical spine. It was developed by Raphael VAN ASSCHE and is based on Dr JONES‘ „Counterstrain“ concept.
The precise, gentle corrections are made via the reprogramming of mechanoreceptors in muscles and fascia and achieve lasting success by changing the incorrect information.
AORT can be used for: the entire spine, joints, chronic and acute pain conditions
The special anatomy and biomechanics are covered in detail in the seminar, basic knowledge recommended.
AORT Part 1: Cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine (extension), SI joint, 1st rib, hip, knee joint
AORT Part 2: Upper extremity, foot, thoracic spine + lumbar spine (flexion), sacrum, ribs, temporomandibular joint
This course is presented by:
Raphael VAN ASSCHE, MSc, D.O.
- Osteopath and physiotherapist
- Born in Belgium, lives and works in Vienna since 1991
- Training in osteopathy in France
- Training in acupuncture and TCM in China
- Training in applied kinesiology in the USA
- Developed „PHYSIOENERGETIK® – “Holistic Kinesiology“
- Co-founder of the „Vienna School of Osteopathy“
- Publication: „The new Strain-Counterstrain“
- Internationally active as a teacher and speaker
The course is intended for doctors, physiotherapists, masseurs, midwives and other health professionals.
Time schedule:
9:45 Welcoming
10:00 – 13:00
I Introduction
- Summary of AORT
- Segmental facilitation Irvin Korr Ph.D
- Establishing priorities
- Mechanoreceptors
- Skeletal Muscle fibers
- Joint stability
- Trigger points and tender points
- Treatment procedure
Coffee Break 15 minutes
II Shoulder Girdle
- sternoclavicular joint
- acromioclavicular joint
- scapula-thorax
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:00
- subacromial joint
- glenohumeral joint
- Indications: pains in shoulder and neck, frozen shoulder pain, a clicking, popping, or grinding sensation when you move your arm, muscle stiffness and weakness, limited range of motion, inability
III Elbow Joint
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- muscular dysfunctions (Forearm muscles – m. extensor carpi radialis longus, m.extensor carpi radialis brevis, m. flexor carpi radialis, m. flexor carpi ulnaris
- ligamentous dysfunctions (ligamentum anulare radii)
- Indications: pain, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, weak grip
Coffee Break 15 minutes
IV Wrists
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations (retinaculum flexorum)
- muscular dysfunctions (m. abductor pollicis longus, m. extensor pollicis brevis, m.flexor pollicis longus)
- Indications: carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist pain; swelling, decrease in wrist strength, numbness or tingling
9:00 – 13:00
V Foot
- Art. talocruralis (Upper ankle joint)
- Art. talotarsalis (Lower ankle joint)
- Art. tarsi transversa (Chopart)
- Art. tarsometatarsales (Lisfranc)
- Art. intermetatarsales
- Art. metatarsophalangeales
- Art. interphalangeales pedis
- Indications: Plantar fasciitis, Calcaneal spur, Metatarsalgia, Morton’s neuroma, Hallux valgus, Claw or hammer toes, Achilles tendon, Hallux rigidus, Hallux limitus, Sinus-tarsi-Syndrome
Coffee Break 15 minutes
VI The thoracic spine / flexion dysfunctions
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- dysfunctions in flexion (reflex points, sternum, rectus abdominis muscle)
- Indications: Restricting range of motion, Thoracic Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Stiffness in the Mid-Back Area, pain or tingling that wraps around the back, abdominal pain
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 18:00
VII Ribs
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations (inhalation dysfunction, expiratory dysfunction, intercostal muscles)
- Indications: Pain in the back, pain that can radiate to the front, along the rib and sometimes into the shoulder
Coffee Break 15 minutes
VIII Lumbar spine / flexion dysfunction
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- dysfunctions in flexion (pelvic reflex points)
- Indications: Restricting range of motion, low back pain, disc disease, sciatica, muscle strain
9:00 – 13:00
IX Os sacrum
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- muscular dysfunctions (piriformis muscle
- ligamentous dysfunctions (ligg. sacroiliaca anteriora, posterior sacroiliac ligament)
- Indications: pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, pelvis/buttock pain, hip/groin pain, feeling of leg instability
Coffee Break 15 minutes
X Temporomandibular joint
- anatomical landmarks
- clinical examinations
- muscular dysfunctions (m. masseter, m. temporalis, pterygoid muscle)
- Indications: Pain in the chewing muscles and/or jaw joint, jaw stiffness, pain in face or neck, limited movement or locking of the jaw, painful clicking, popping, or grating in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, or dizziness
Are you interested?
Register for the course by filling out the contact form below and we will contact you with more information.
Na kurz sa môžete registrovať aj prostredníctvom mobilnej aplikácie FYZIO KLINIK, kde vám neujdú naše novinky a informácie o vzdelávaní u nás.